Adi Levanon Venture Partner, Symmetrical Ventures

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I'm an American-born Israeli hybrid who has lived in the Silicon Valley, NYC and Israel. Before moving to NYC, I was involved in the Israeli high-tech and venture capital ecosystem for over 10 years, with a myriad of experience on both the investment side along with business and legal operations. 

Currently I am Venture Partner at Symmetrical Ventures, a privately-held investment fund that provides strong expertise in the financial services, B2C, digital media and eCommerce industries. We invest in early stage startups where we think we can be helpful, along with certain venture capital funds as a limited partner investor. 

I have a crazy passion for anything technical (I am not a developer or engineer but I get the lingo), I am constantly curious, love learning about new industries and working with game-changing businesses. Always happy to connect and share ideas!

Venture Partner
Symmetrical Ventures
March 2017 - Present (7 years 11 months)